What does the cute logo and subtitle stand for?
Why the capital P in Pig?

What does the cute logo and subtitle stand for?

The logo represents a Pig's snout, looked at face on. We wanted to associate with the piggybank of our childhood, and that theme of judicious saving for the rainy days is carried over throughout the site. For example, our ten investment principles are titled, "The Pig Files." Why just a Pig's snout? Well, imagine it's foggy and you can't quite see anything except a few feet from your nose (i.e., a lot of things, including investing, are foggy to many). What is the first thing you see when a Pig walks out of the fog? Its snout! Hence, our logo and subtitle creates the imagery of a Pig coming out of the (investment) fog. Our goal is to clarify and demystify the investing process to our readers, so they can also "come out of the fog."

Why the capital P in Pig?

We wanted to contrast the voracious and greedy nature of pigs (or "PIGS!") with the wisdom and patient saving attitude our parents instilled in us when we started to save money in our piggybanks. We're proudly "Pigs"--not "pigs" or PIGS!".



















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